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目   录

523.载流量 9
523.0  引言 9
523.1  一般要求 9
523.2  环境温度 11
523.3  土壤热阻率 12
523.4  多回路成组 13
523.5  有载导线根数 14
523.6  并联导线 15
523.7  沿路线敷设条件的变化 15
表52-B1   敷设方式A至D一览表 16
表52-B2 敷设方式E、F及G一览表 18
表52-C1 按表52-B1中敷设方式的载流量(A) 20
表52-C2 按表52-B1中敷设方式的载流量(A) 21
表52-C3 按表52-B1中敷设方式的载流量(A) 23
表52-C4 按表52-B1中敷设方式的载流量(A) 24
表52-C5 按表52-B1中敷设方式C的载流量(A) 25
表52-C6 按表52-B1中敷设方式C的载流量(A) 26
表52-C7 按表52-B2中敷设方式E、F及G在自由空气中的载流量(A) 27
表52-C8 按表52-B2中敷设方式E、F及G在自由空气中的载流量(A) 28
表52-C9 按表52-B2中敷设方式E、F及G在自由空气中的载流量(A) 29
表52-C11  按表52-B2中敷设方式E、F及G在自由空气中的载流量(A) 30
表52-D1 空气中环境温度不等于30℃时的校正系数 31
表52-D2 地下环境温度不等于20℃时的校正系数 32
表52-E1 多回路或多根多芯电缆成组校正系数 33
表52-E2 多回路校正系数,电缆直埋地中 34
表52-E3 多回路校正系数,电缆敷设在地中导管内 35
表52-E4 多根多芯电缆成组校正系数 36
表52-E5 单芯电缆多回路成组校正系数 37
附录A     第523节各表简化方法举例 38
表25-X1 载流量(A) 38
表25-X2 载流量(A) 39
表25-X3 多回路或多根多芯电缆成组校正系数 40
附录B 表示载流量的公式 41
系数和指数表 41


523. Carrying capacity 9
523.0 Introduction 9
523.1 General requirements 9
523.2 ambient temperature of 11
523.3 soil resistance rate of 12
More than 523.4 Circuit Group 13
523.5 root number 14 wire-load
523.6 15 parallel wires
523.7 along the line, change 15 the conditions laid
Laying the table 52-B1 16 A to D list
Table 52-B2 laying methods E, F and G List of 18
Table 52-C1 by Form 52-B1 in laying the way carrying capacity (A) 20
Table 52-C2 in Table 52-B1 in laying the way carrying capacity (A) 21
Table 52-C3 by Form 52-B1 in laying the way carrying capacity (A) 23
Table 52-C4 by Form 52-B1 in laying the way carrying capacity (A) 24
Table 52-C5 by Form 52-B1 in the way of laying the carrying capacity C (A) 25
Table 52-C6 in Table 52-B1 in the way of laying the carrying capacity C (A) 26
Table 52-C7 by Form 52-B2 in the laying methods E, F and G are set out in the free air flow (A) 27
Table 52-C8 by Form 52-B2 in the laying methods E, F and G are set out in the free air flow (A) 28
Table 52-C9 by Form 52-B2 in the laying methods E, F and G are set out in the free air flow (A) 29
Table 52-C11 in accordance with Form 52-B2 laying methods E, F and G are set out in the free air flow (A) 30
Table 52-D1 is not equal to the air temperature 30 ℃, the correction factor of 31
Table 52-D2 does not mean ground temperature 20 ℃, the correction factor of 32
Table 52-E1 multi-loop or multi-core cable group root correction factor of 33
Table 52-E2 multi-loop correction factor, cable buried in the 34
Table 52-E3 multi-loop correction factor, cable laid in the duct 35
Table 52-E4 of multiple multi-core cable group correction factor of 36
Table 52-E5 group, single cable multi-loop correction factor of 37
Section 523 Appendix A simplified method for example 38 different tables
Table 25-X1 carrying capacity (A) 38
Table 25-X2 carrying capacity (A) 39
Table 25-X3 multi-loop or multi-core cable group root correction factor of 40
Appendix B that the formula contained 41 traffic
Coefficient and index table 41


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