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1  范围
2  施工准备
    2.1  材料要求:
    2.1.1  消防喷洒管材应根据设计要求选用,一般采用镀锌碳素钢管及管件,管壁内外镀锌均匀,无锈蚀、无飞刺,零件无偏加、方扣、丝扣不全、角度不准等现象。
    2.1.2  消火栓系统管材应根据设计要求选用,一般采用碳素钢管或无缝钢管,管材不得有弯曲、锈蚀、重皮及凹凸不平等现象。
    2.1.3  消防喷洒系统的报警阀、作用阀、控制阀、延迟器、水流指示器、水泵结合器等主要组件的规格型号应符合设计要求,配件齐全,铸造规矩,表面光洁,无裂纹,启闭灵活,有产品出厂合格证。
    2.1.4  喷洒头的规格、类型、动作温度应符合设计要求,外型规矩,丝扣完整,感温包无破碎和松动,易熔片无脱落和松动。有产品出厂合格证。
    2.1.5  消火栓箱体的规格类型应符合设计要求,箱体表面平整、光洁。金属箱体无锈蚀,划伤,箱门开启灵活。箱体方正,箱内配件齐全。栓阀外型规矩,无裂纹,启闭灵活,关闭严密,密封填料完好,有产品出厂合格证。
    2.2  主要机具:
    2.2.1  套丝机,砂轮锯,台钻,电锤,手砂轮,手电钻,电焊机,电动试压泵等机械。
    2.2.2  套丝板,管钳、台钳,压力钳,链钳,手锤,钢锯,扳手,射钉枪,倒链、电气焊等工具。
    2.3  作业条件:
    2.3.1  主体结构已验收,现场已清理干净。
    2.3.2  管道安装所需要的基准线应测定并标明,如吊顶标高、地面标高、内隔墙位置线等。
    2.3.3  设备基础经检验符合设计要求,达到安装条件。
    2.3.4  安装管道所需要的操作架应由专业人员搭设完毕。
    2.3.5  检查管道支架、预留孔洞的位置、尺寸是否正确。
    2.3.6  喷洒头安装按建筑装修图确定位置,吊顶龙骨安装完按吊顶材料厚度确定喷洒头的标高。封吊顶时按喷洒头预留口位置在顶板上开孔。
3  操作工艺
    3.1  工艺流程
Cards on the table contents:
Fire service piping and equipment installation
1 Scope
      This technology is applicable to civil and general industrial building indoor fire sprinkler systems and fire hydrant system piping and equipment installation.
2 construction preparation
    2.1 Material Requirements:
    2.1.1 fire sprinkler pipe shall be selected according to design requirements, the general use of galvanized carbon steel pipe and pipe fittings, galvanized inside and outside wall of uniform, no rust, no flying stab, plus parts unbiased, side buttons, threaded incomplete perspective not allowed and so on.
    2.1.2 pipe hydrant system design requirements should be selected according to the general use of carbon steel pipe or seamless steel pipe, tubing, there is no bending, rust, heavy leather and rough and so on.
    2.1.3 fire sprinkler system, alarm valve, the role of valves, control valves, retarders, water flow indicator, pump combiners and other major components of the standard model should meet the design requirements, complete accessories, casting rules, smooth surface, no cracks, flexible and open and close, have a product factory certification.
    2.1.4 sprinkler head size, type, operating temperature should be consistent with design requirements, appearance rules, threaded integrity, temperature of non-broken and loose, easy to melt off and no loose pieces. Have a product factory certification.
    2.1.5 Hydrant box type should conform to the specifications of the design requirements, box smooth surface, bright and clean. Metal box no rust, scratches, door open and flexible. Founder box, box and complete accessories. Plug valve shape the rules, no crack, opening and closing a flexible, closed tight, sealed packing intact, the product factory certification.
    2.2 Main equipment:
    2.2.1 threading machine, wheel saws, bench drill, electric hammer, hand wheels, hand drills, welding machines, electric test pressure pump and other machinery.
    2.2.2 sets of silk panels, pipe wrench, vise, pressure clamp, chain pliers, hammers, hacksaw, wrench, firearm, down chain, Gas Welding and other tools.
    2.3 Operating conditions:
    2.3.1 Acceptance of the main structure has been the scene has been cleaned.
    2.3.2 Pipe Installation baseline needed to be measured and marked, such as ceiling elevation, ground elevation, location of lines within the walls.
    2.3.3 equipment meet the design requirements based upon testing, to installation conditions.
    2.3.4 installation of pipelines needed to operate aircraft should be completed professional erection.
    2.3.5 checking pipe support, reserve position of holes, size is correct.
    2.3.6 sprinkler head installed in accordance with building renovation plans determine the location, ceiling keel ceiling material installed thickness determined by spraying head elevation. Press the spray head ceiling closure reserve position in the roof on mouth opening.
3 Operation Process
    3.1 Process:

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