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目  录
第一章 总体概述 1
1.1易初莲花概况 1
1.2本工程概况 2
1.3施工管理目标 3
1.3.1质量目标 3
1.3.2工期目标 3
1.3.3安全文明施工目标 3
1.3.4社会效益目标 4
1.3.5工程施工技术要求 4
第二章 施工进度计划及进度保证措施 5
2.1施工进度计划 5
2.1.1工期 5
2.1.2施工进度计划横道图及网络图 5
2.2各阶段进度保证措施 5
2.2.1工程进度控制管理方法 5
2.2.2工程工期总体控制和缩短工期措施 8
2.2.3保证工期的经济措施 11
2.2.4保证工期其它措施 12
第三章 劳动力和材料投入计划 18
3.1劳动力投入计划 19
3.2材料投入计划 20
3.2.1主要材料进场计划 20
3.2.2原材料和半成品采购保证措施 21
3.2.3加强材料管理 23
3.2.4材料保证措施 23
第四章 机械设备投入计划 25
4.1本工程投入施工机械设备 25
4.2本工程投入主要检测设备如下 27
第五章 施工平面布置 29
5.1施工平面布置 29
5.1.1布置原则 29
5.1.2施工用水 30
5.1.3施工用电 30
5.2施工平面管理 31
5.2.1平面管理原则 31
5.2.2平面管理办法 32
第六章 主要施工技术、工艺 33
6.1施工测量 33
6.2土建装饰 35
6.2.1混凝土工程 35
6.2.2砌体工程 37
6.2.3石材地面铺贴 41
6.2.4铺贴防滑砖、地砖 42
6.2.5抹灰施工 46
6.2.6乳胶漆涂刷 48
6.2.7墙面砖镶贴 52
6.2.8墙面罩面板安装 55
6.2.9轻钢龙骨吊顶 61
6.2.10门安装 65
6.2.11.铝合金窗安装 71
6.2.12楼梯栏杆扶手制作安装 76
6.2.13龙骨隔墙安装 79
6.3电气安装 80
6.3.1电气安装 80
6.3.2调试 91
6.4给排水安装 92
6.5空调安装 99
6.5.1空调设备安装 99
6.5.2调试 138
第七章 安全施工措施 152
7.1安全组织管理 152
7.1.1安全生产管理机构 152
7.1.2安全管理组织计划 153
7.2安全施工保证措施 154
7.2.1安全生产体系及安全生产责任制 154
7.2.2安全管理目标 160
7.2.3安全防范要点 160
7.3施工安全控制重点项目 161
7.3.1高处安全作业 161
7.3.2现场安全用电 162
7.3.3机械设备安全使用 164
7.3.4施工现场防火 164
7.3.5施工人员安全防护 165
7.3.6项目安全事故处理 166
7.3.7安全检查 166
第八章 质量保证措施 167
8.1质量目标及质量保证体系 167
8.1.1质量目标 167
8.1.2质量保证体系 167
8.1.3质量管理人员的职责 169
8.2质量管理制度及措施 171
8.2.1施工质量管理 171
8.2.2原材料、半成品及成品质量管理 172
8.2.3质量检查管理 172
8.2.4资料管理 174
8.3质量保修期及回访 174
8.3.1工程保修 174
8.3.2保修措施 174
8.3.3其他服务措施 177
第九章 组织机构 180
10.1机构的形式 180
10.2指挥系统 181
10.3项目经理部人员配备 182
10.4生产及各项创优达标监控系统 184
10.4.1质量管理监控系统 184
10.4.2安全管理监控系统 185
10.4.3文明施工管理监控系统 187
10.5联络协调系统 187


Chapter 1 General Overview
Lotus 1.1 Overview 1
1.2 Project Overview 2
Goal 3 Construction Management 1.3
1.3.1 Quality Goal 3
1.3.2 Goal 3 duration
1.3.3 Safe and Civilized Construction Goal 3
1.3.4 social objective 4
1.3.5 Construction Technology Requirements 4
Chapter II Construction Schedule and progress of the assurance measures 5
2.1 Construction Schedule 5
2.1.1 Duration 5
2.1.2 Construction Schedule bar charts and network diagrams 5
2.2 The progress of each stage to ensure measures 5
2.2.1 Project Schedule Control Method 5
2.2.2 Project schedule and shorten the duration of the overall control measures 8
2.2.3 The duration of the economic measures to ensure 11
2.2.4 Other measures to ensure the duration of 12
Chapter 18 Plan of labor and material inputs
3.1 The labor input program 19
3.2 Material input program 20
3.2.1 main program materials approach 20
3.2.2 Procurement of raw materials and semi-assurance measures 21
3.2.3 Strengthening Materials Management 23
3.2.4 Materials assurance measures 23
Machinery and equipment investment plans Chapter 25
4.1 The project was put into construction machinery and equipment 25
4.2 The project was put into the following 27 major test equipment
Chapter 29 construction layout
29 5.1 Construction Layout
5.1.1 Layout Principle 29
5.1.2 Construction of 30 water
5.1.3 Construction Power 30
31 5.2 Construction Plane Management
31 5.2.1 Plane management principles
5.2.2 Regulations 32 plane
Chapter VI The main construction technology, process 33
33 6.1 Construction Survey
6.2 Civil Engineering 35 Decoration
6.2.1 Concrete Engineering 35
6.2.2 masonry project 37
6.2.3 Ground Paving Stone 41
6.2.4 non-slip paving tiles, floor tiles 42
6.2.5 Plaster Construction 46
6.2.6 paint brush 48
6.2.7 brick wall Xiangtie 52
6.2.8 Installation of 55 wall Zhaomian Ban
6.2.9 61 metal frame ceiling
6.2.10 Door Installation 65
6.2.11. Aluminum windows installed 71
6.2.12 stair handrails installed 76 production
6.2.13 keel wall installation 79
6.3 Electrical Installation 80
6.3.1 Electrical Installation 80
6.3.2 Debugging 91
92 6.4 Water Supply and Drainage Installation
99 6.5 Air conditioning installation
6.5.1 Air conditioning installation 99
6.5.2 Debugging 138
Construction of measures under Chapter VII Security 152
7.1 Security Organization and Management 152
7.1.1 Safety management agency 152
7.1.2 Security management organization plans to 153
7.2 Safety measures for construction to ensure 154
7.2.1 safety production responsibility system and safety 154
7.2.2 Safety management objectives 160
7.2.3 Security and Protection 160 points
Construction Safety Control 7.3 161 key projects
7.3.1 the safe operation of 161 high
7.3.2 Power 162 site security
7.3.3 safe use of machinery and equipment 164
7.3.4 Construction Site Fire Safety 164
7.3.5 Construction of 165 security personnel
7.3.6 Project security incident handling 166
7.3.7 Safety Inspection 166
Chapter 167 Quality assurance measures
8.1 Quality Objectives and Quality Assurance 167
8.1.1 Quality objectives 167
167 8.1.2 Quality Assurance System
Quality management responsibilities 8.1.3 169
8.2 Quality management system and measures 171
8.2.1 Construction Quality Management 171
8.2.2 raw materials, semi-finished and finished products quality control 172
8.2.3 Quality Control and Management 172
8.2.4 Data Management 174
8.3 174 Quality warranty and return visit
8.3.1 Project 174 warranty
8.3.2 Warranty measures 174
8.3.3 Other service measures 177
Chapter 180 Organizations
Institutions in the form of 180 10.1
Command System 181 10.2
10.3 Project Management Department with 182 staff
10.4 of the excellence of production and compliance monitoring system 184
10.4.1 Quality Control Monitoring System 184
185 10.4.2 Monitoring System Security Management
10.4.3 civilized construction management and monitoring system 187
Liaison and coordination system 187 10.5

1, construction floor plan
2, the construction schedule bar chart
3, the construction schedule network diagram

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