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一、 施工顺序
二、 土方施工
本项工程量为9万m3左右土方,受于场地限制,准备采用1台挖机配合两台装载机同时施工,运土设备采用20台斯太尔自卸汽车进行运输。施工时每台设备配备2名操作工人,分两班倒24小时不间断施工。每日计划开挖土方量3000 m3,由于现在正处于济南的雨季,土层性质黄土为主,含水量高,一遇下雨,整个土方工作面几天不能进行施工,所走便道遇雨又需修整换填。因此估计工期为45个工作日。
1、 施工技术方案及操作要点
Earthwork Construction Technology Details

First, the construction sequence
According to the distribution of site soil, stratified by blocks of excavation, first of all sidewalk construction to spoil area, however as shown after the first excavation on the 1st District (top elevation of 53.00 ~ 55.55), excavation to 2 District No. top (top surface elevation of 52.00 ~ 52.34), and the construction of drains and dug pavement. And excavation on the 2nd District, Area 3 excavation to the top surface (top surface elevation of 49.31 ~ 50.46), and then excavating the 3rd District, excavation to the 4th District, the top surface (top surface elevation of 47.78 ~ 48.55), excavation from the area last 4 to 43m of elevation (as is now in the rainy season, water surface elevation as well as 42m or so), to be dug to the water withdrawal plan after the river bed elevation. Earthwork excavation of the Department of rent transfer to my local Wei Village, a size of about 40 acres of corn in the hollow.
Second, earthwork construction
The project volume of about 90,000 m3 of earth by the space constraints, prepared by a digging machine with two sets simultaneously loaders, earth moving equipment, 20 sets of used dump truck for transport Steyr. Construction of operation of each device is equipped with two workers in two shifts 24 hours a day construction. Earthwork excavation daily plan 3000 m3, as now in the rainy season in Jinan, mainly loess soil properties, high water content, one case of rain, the earth a few days can not face the construction, the pavement when it rains they go need to trim replacement. Therefore estimated duration of 45 working days.
1, the construction technology program and operating points
Earth excavation slope 1:1 considered by the measurement of earth excavation before the first setting out, and report to Commissioner approval, and then set both sides of the excavation depth edges. When the first good surface drainage excavation, excavation of the 1st District, the transport vehicles parked in the 2nd district level, the digging machine in the 1st District, south to north from the top surface of excavation, loader surface shipment in 2 areas . K4 +700 ~ 780 range in the construction of two 6m wide pavement dug (2 length 160m), an on-way street, a downstream Road. As the nature of the soil water content large loess, after rolling in the heavy vehicle every 1 hour loader would need to re-dressing, so ready to backfill around 30cm thick gravel on the pavement. District No. 2 during the excavation surface, loaders to keep the whole

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