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目 录
第一章 主要分部分项工程施工方案 5
第一节  施工总体安排 5
第二节  预埋件安装 5
一、埋件的埋设: 5
二、埋件的补埋: 5
三、注意事项: 6
四、预埋件的清理与防腐 6
第三节  测量放线 6
第四节  隐框(带玻璃肋)、半隐框玻璃幕墙的施工方法 7
一、工艺概述 7
二、主要施工方法 7
第五节  主楼屋顶钢结构的施工方法 10
一、工艺概述 11
二、构件制作 11
三、钢结构吊装 17
四、钢结构工程冬季施工措施 19
第六节  干挂花岗岩幕墙的施工方法 21
一、施工准备 21
二、施工顺序 21
三、质量要求: 23
四、产品的保护: 23
五、交工验收 23
第七节  点式玻璃幕墙的施工方法 23
一、点式玻璃幕墙的特点 23
二、点式玻璃幕墙施工方法 24
三、点式玻璃幕墙施工质量控制措施 25
四、安装质量控制要点 25
第八节  全玻璃地弹门的施工方法 26
一、工艺概述 26
二、基本施工工艺 26
三、门扇定位的施工工艺 27
四、玻璃门拉手的施工工艺 27
五、亚光不锈钢板安装 27
第九节  幕墙防雷施工 30
一、防雷安装工艺概述 30
二、防雷安装 30
第十节  幕墙防火施工 30
一、工艺概述 30
二、防火棉安装 31
第二章  工程质量管理及保证质量措施 32
第一节  工程质量管理 32
一、适应范围 32
二、主要职责 32
三、程序内容 32
第二节  工程保证质量措施 35
一、质量目标 35
二、项目质量保证体系及实施办法 35
1、项目质量保证体系 35
2、质检仪器一览表 37
3、实施办法 37
1)程序控制 37
2)过程控制 38
3)各工序质量控制 38
4)特殊工序控制 40
三、薄弱环节预防措施(幕墙质量通病的防治措施) 41
四、成品、半成品运输及存储保护措施 45
第三章  施工进度计划及保证工期措施 55
第一节  幕墙施工进度安排 55
第二节  施工进度管理流程图 56
第三节  冬季施工措施 56
一、冬期施工的时间及内容 56
二、冬期施工准备工作 57
三、冬期施工技术措施 58
四、冬施安全措施 59
五、冬施质量保证措施 60
六、冬施消防措施 60
第四节  工期保证措施 60
第五节  雨季施工计划 62
第四章  确保安全生产施工的技术组织措施 64
第一节  安全管理原则 64
第二节  安全保障体系表 64
第三节  保证安全生产总体措施 65
第四节  施工安全保证措施 65
第五节  保证安全的具体规定及技术措施 66
第六节  防火安全措施 68
第七节  防大风措施 69
第五章  文明施工保证措施 70
第一节  文明施工管理网络图 70
第二节  文明施工内容 71
一、文明施工奋斗目标 71
二、现场文明施工 71
第三节  文明施工的保障措施 71
第六章  环境保护保证措施 73
第一节  减少扰民噪音、降低环境污染技术措施 73
第二节  环保设计 73
第七章  幕墙清洗及交验 74
第一节  幕墙清洗一般要求 74
第二节  幕墙清洗 74
一、清洗顺序: 74
二、清洗用料 74
三、擦窗机清洗方案 74
第三节  工程验收 76
一、工程验收一般要求 76
二、公司内部验收 76
三、业主、监理等组织举行的竣工验收 78

Construction Design
The first chapter is divided into 5 parts of the project construction plan
Construction of overall arrangement of Section 5
Section 5 of embedded parts installed
A buried piece of burial: 5
Second, the complement of Buried Buried: 5
Third, pay attention: 6
4, embedded parts to clean and corrosion 6
Section 6 of Measure for
IV hidden frame (with glass rib), semi-hidden frame glass curtain wall construction method 7
1, process overview 7
Second, the main construction method 7
Section V the main building roof steel structure construction method 10
1, process overview 11
Second, component production 11
3, Steel Structure 17
4, Winter construction of steel structure measures 19
Section VI Granite curtain wall construction method 21
First, prepare the construction of 21
Second, the construction sequence of 21
Third, quality requirements: 23
Fourth, the product of protection: 23
5, 23 Completion Acceptance
VII, point 23 of the curtain wall construction method
1, point 23 of glass curtain wall features
2, point 24 of glass curtain wall construction method
3, point fixed glass curtain wall construction quality control measures 25
4, the installation of 25 quality control points
VIII all-glass door to the construction method of bomb 26
1, process overview 26
Second, the basic construction technology 26
3, doors 27 construction technology positioning
4, glass door handle of the construction process 27
5, Matt installation of 27 stainless steel
IX curtain wall construction 30 Lightning
First, lightning installation process overview 30
Second, install lightning protection 30
Section X of the curtain wall construction of 30 fire
1, process overview 30
Second, install 31 fire cotton
Chapter II project quality control and quality assurance measures 32
Project Quality Management Section 32
1, range 32 to adapt
Second, the main duties of 32
Third, the program contents 32
Section 35 works to ensure quality measures
A quality goal of 35
Second, the project quality assurance system and ways of implementation 35
1, 35, project quality assurance system
2, a list of 37 quality inspection instruments
3, the implementation of measures 37
1) The program control 37
2) Process Control 38
3) The quality control process 38
4) 40 Special Process Control
Third, weaknesses in preventive measures (quality defects prevention wall) 41
4, finished products, semi-finished products transportation and storage protection 45
Chapter III of the construction schedule and duration of measures to ensure 55
Section 55 of curtain wall construction schedule
Section 56 of the construction schedule management flowchart
Section 56 of the winter construction measures
1, winter construction time and content of the 56
Second, preparation for winter construction 57
3, Winter Construction Technology 58
4, safety in winter 59
Fifth, the quality assurance measures in winter 60
6, 60 in winter fire safety measures
IV schedule assurance measures 60
V 62 construction plan during the rainy season
Chapter IV to ensure safety measures in the construction of technical organization 64
Section 64 principles of safety management
Table 64 Security System II
Section 65 Measures to ensure the overall safety
IV construction safety assurance measures 65
V specific provisions to ensure the safety and technical measures 66
Section VI 68 fire safety measures
VII, 69 anti-wind measures
Construction to ensure civilized measures Chapter 70
Section 70 civil construction management network map
Section 71 of the contents of civilized construction
First, the goal of 71 civil construction
Second, civilized construction site 71
Section 71 of the safeguards of civilization construction
Ensure environmental protection measures in Chapter 73
Section reduce the disturbing noise, reduce environmental pollution technical measures 73
Section 73 Environmental Design
Chapter VII of the curtain wall cleaning, and for examination 74
Section 74 General requirements for wall cleaning
74 Wall Cleaning Section
First, clean order: 74
Second, cleaning materials 74
3, 74 gondola cleaning program
Section 76 Project Acceptance
First, project acceptance General requirements 76
II, 76 internal inspection
Third, the owners, supervision and inspection organizations such as at the completion of 78


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