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目    录
第1章 编制依据 9
第2章 工程概况及特征 10
2.1 工程简介 10
2.2 工程设计情况 10
2.2.1 建筑设计情况 10
2.2.2 结构概况 11
2.3 地质情况 13
2.4 工程特点 14
第3章 施工部署 16
3.1 施工组织机构 16
3.1.1 施工组织管理网络 16
3.1.2 施工现场管理机构 16
3.1.3 施工管理人员 17
3.1.4 岗位职责分工 17
3.2 施工流水段的划分 18
3.3 施工程序 19
3.4 各分部分项工程与主体结构施工的协调 20
3.5 外墙装修与室内装修的协调 21
3.6 主要施工工艺 22
3.7 主要施工机械及大型工具计划表 23
3.8 劳动力计划 24
第4章 施工总平面布置 26
4.1 施工总平面布置的原则 26
4.2 生活区暂设布置 26
4.3 现场施工布置 26
4.4 施工及生活用电布置 26
4.5 施工用水布置 27
4.6 施工废水处理及排放 27
4.7 施工平面管理 28
第5章 施工总进度计划 29
5.1 总工期 29
5.2 工期控制 29
5.3 施工进度安排原则和保证措施 30
第6章 施工准备工作 32
6.1 施工现场准备工作 32
6.2 施工技术准备工作 32
6.3 物资和劳动力组织准备 32
6.4 雨季施工准备 33
6.5 作业条件准备 33
6.6 主要应用规范一览表 34
第7章 主要工程施工方法 35
7.1 工程测量 35
7.1.1 施工放线 35
7.1.2 高程控制网的布置及高程的传递 35
7.1.3 沉降观测 36
7.1.4 垂直度观测 36
7.1.5 测量工作所需仪器设备见下表 36
7.1.6 施工注意事项 37
7.1.7 各项资料整理 37
7.2 人工挖孔桩工程 38
7.2.1 设计情况 38
7.2.2 施工程序 38
7.2.3 人工挖孔桩的准备工作 38
7.2.4 施工方法 39
7.2.5 质量安全措施 41
7.3 土方工程 42
7.3.1 施工布署 42
7.3.2 施工方法 42
7.3.3 质量安全措施 43
7.3.4 文明施工措施 44
7.4 钢筋砼承台及基础梁板施工方法 44
7.4.1 模板工程 44
7.4.2 钢筋工程 45
7.4.3 砼工程 46
7.5 承台底板以上地下室结构部分施工方法 48
7.5.1 模板工程 48
7.5.2 钢筋工程 52
7.5.3 砼工程 54
7.5.4 预埋件及预埋套管 57
7.6 上部主体工程施工方法 57
7.6.1 模板工程 57
7.6.2 钢筋工程 58
7.6.3 砼工程 60
7.7 防水工程 61
7.7.1 地下室防水施工 61
7.7.2 外墙防水施工 63
7.7.3 铝合金门窗自身防水措施 65
7.7.4 卫生间、厨房、阳台防水 65
7.7.5 水池防水 66
7.7.6 屋面防水 66
7.8 砌筑工程 66
7.9 装饰工程 70
7.9.1 一般抹灰 70
7.9.2 内墙面砖 71
7.9.3 地面贴砖 71
7.9.4 外墙瓷片粘贴 71
7.9.5 楼面大理石的铺贴 72
7.9.6 乳胶漆工程 73
7.9.7 外墙涂料工程 74
7.9.8 铝合金工程 75
7.9.9 花岗石墙面 78
7.9.10 外墙面干挂石材 79
7.10 屋面工程 80
7.10.1 施工要点 80
7.10.2 防水节点处施工 81
7.10.3 屋面其他工程 81
7.11 脚手架工程 81
7.11.1 情况简介 82
7.11.2 设计思想 82
7.11.3 扣件式双排普通钢管脚手架的搭设与拆除 82
7.11.4 卸荷式脚手架 83
7.11.5 安全管理 86
7.12 塔吊施工 86
7.12.1 塔吊装设及拆除 86
7.12.2 质量安全措施 88
7.13 双笼电梯安装及拆除 88
7.13.1 基础设计及施工 88
7.13.2 附墙架预埋件设置 88
7.13.3 升降机安装前的准备 89
7.13.4 升降机的安装 89
7.13.5 升降机的拆除 90
7.13.6 安装安全要求 90
7.14 室外土方回填 91
7.15 安装工程 92
7.15.1 给排水工程 92
7.15.2 电气安装工程 93
第8章 季节性施工措施 96
8.1 台风、暴雨、雨季施工措施 96
8.2 高温天气施工措施 96
第9章 工程质量管理及保证措施 98
9.1 现场施工管理 98
9.2 质量保证体系 98
9.3 质量管理措施 100
9.4 工程质量技术保证措施 101
9.5 计量管理 103
9.6 主要分项工程质量通病预防措施 105
9.6.1 模板工程 105
9.6.2 钢筋工程 106
9.6.3 砼工程 107
9.6.4 砌体工程 109
9.6.5 楼地面工程 109
9.6.6 门窗工程 110
9.6.7 装饰工程 111
9.7 工程成品保护措施 112
9.7.1 成品保护组织机构 112
9.7.2 成品保护机构的运行方式 113
9.7.3 制成品保护 113
9.7.4 现浇钢筋砼工程成品保护 114
9.7.5 砌体成品质量保护 115
9.7.6 楼地面成品保护 115
9.7.7 门窗成品质量保护 116
9.7.8 装饰成品质量保护 116
9.7.9 屋面防水成品保护 117
9.7.10 水电安装成品保护 117
9.7.11 交工前成品保护措施 118
第10章 安全文明施工措施 119
10.1 安全保证措施 119
10.2 文明施工措施 122
第11章 施工管理 126
11.1 管理人员质量职责 126
11.1.1 项目经理质量职责 126
11.1.2 项目副经理质量职责 127
11.1.3 项目技术负责人质量职责 127
11.1.4 长质量职责 128
11.1.5 质检员质量职责 129
11.1.6 安全员质量职责 129
11.2 总包、分包协调及管理 129
11.3 劳动力供应及管理 131
11.4 机械设备管理 132
11.5 料具管理 133
11.5.1 项目料具计划管理 133
11.5.2 项目料具采购管理 133
11.5.3 项目料具贮存管理 134
11.5.4 项目限额领料管理 135
11.5.5 周转材料管理 136
11.6 技术管理 136
11.6.1 内 容 136
11.6.2 图纸会审 136
11.6.3 施工作业设计的编制 138
11.6.4 技术核定和设计变更 139
11.6.5 技术交底 139
11.6.6 技术复核 141
11.6.7 科技推广应用 142
11.6.8 施工技术总结 142
11.6.9 技术标准管理制度 143
11.7 资料管理 144

Prepared according to Chapter 1 9
Chapter 2 Project Overview and Features 10
2.1 Project Description 10
2.2 Designs of 10
2.2.1 Architectural Design for the 10
Overview 11 2.2.2 Structure
Geology 13 2.3
2.4 Project Characteristics 14
Chapter 3 Construction of the deployment of 16
Construction 16 3.1 Organization
3.1.1 Construction Management Network 16
3.1.2 Construction site management organization 16
17 3.1.3 Construction Management
Division 17 3.1.4 Responsibilities
3.2 Construction of water divided into 18 segments
19 3.3 Construction Procedure
Sub-section 3.4 the main structure of the construction project and the coordination of 20
3.5 wall decoration and interior decoration of coordination 21
22 Main Construction Technology 3.6
3.7 Main construction machinery and tools to plan a large table of 23
3.8 Workforce Planning 24
Chapter 4, the general layout of the construction of 26
4.1 The general layout of the principles of construction of 26
4.2 District of temporary living arrangement 26
26 4.3 Field construction layout
Construction and power consumption 4.4 Layout 26
4.5 Construction of 27 water arrangement
4.6 Construction of Wastewater Treatment and Disposal 27
Management 28 4.7 Construction Plane
Chapter 5, the construction schedule of 29 total
The total period of 5.1 29
29 5.2 Duration Control
5.3 Construction scheduling principles and ensure that measures 30
Chapter 6 of 32 construction preparation work
32 6.1 Construction site preparation work
6.2 technical preparations for the construction of 32
6.3 Organization of material and labor to prepare 32
6.4 Construction of the rainy season to prepare 33
6.5 Operating conditions for preparation of 33
6.6 List of 34 major application specification
Chapter 7 35 Construction Method
35 7.1 Engineering Survey
35 7.1.1 Construction of Actinobacillus
7.1.2 Height Control Network layout and elevation of the transfer of 35
Observation 36 7.1.3 Settlement
7.1.4 Observation 36 degrees vertical
7.1.5 Measuring equipment required for the following table 36
37 7.1.6 Construction Notes
7.1.7 The data compilation 37
7.2 manual digging piles 38
38 7.2.1 Design situations
38 7.2.2 Construction Procedure
7.2.3 manual digging pile of 38 preparations
7.2.4 Construction Methods 39
7.2.5 Quality of safety measures 41
7.3 Earthwork 42
7.3.1 Construction of deployment of 42
7.3.2 Construction Methods 42
7.3.3 Quality of safety measures 43
7.3.4 civilized construction measures 44
7.4 Reinforced Concrete Pile and foundation slab construction method 44
7.4.1 Formwork 44
7.4.2 Concrete Engineering 45
7.4.3 Concrete Engineering 46
7.5 cap over the basement floor structure of part of the construction method 48
48 7.5.1 Formwork
7.5.2 Concrete Engineering 52
7.5.3 Concrete Engineering 54
7.5.4 embedded parts and embedded casing 57
7.6 57 top of the main construction method
7.6.1 Formwork 57
7.6.2 Concrete Engineering 58
7.6.3 Concrete Engineering 60
7.7 waterproofing 61
7.7.1 Construction of 61 basement waterproofing
7.7.2 Construction of the external walls of water 63
7.7.3 Waterproof aluminum window itself measures 65
7.7.4 bathroom, kitchen, balcony waterproof 65
7.7.5 pond water 66
7.7.6 Roofing 66
7.8 stoves, 66
7.9 Decoration Engineering 70
7.9.1 General plastering 70
7.9.2 Interior Tile 71
7.9.3 floor tiling 71
7.9.4 71 wall tile paste
7.9.5 marble floor tiling 72
7.9.6 Paint Works 73
7.9.7 Exterior Wall Paint Project 74
7.9.8 Aluminum Alloy Engineering 75
7.9.9 granite wall 78
7.9.10 Dry stone wall outside the 79
Roofing 7.10 80
7.10.1 Construction Points 80
7.10.2 Construction of 81 water node
7.10.3 Roof 81 other projects
7.11 Scaffolding Engineering 81
7.11.1 About the 82
7.11.2 82 design
7.11.3 coupler double ordinary steel scaffold erection and dismantling of 82
7.11.4 Unloading Scaffold 83
7.11.5 Safety Management 86
7.12 Construction 86 Tower Crane
7.12.1 Crane installation and removal of 86
7.12.2 the quality of safety measures 88
Cage 7.13 pairs of elevator installation and dismantling of 88
7.13.1 foundation design and construction of 88
7.13.2 embedded parts attached to the wall frame set 88
7.13.3 preparation before installation of lifts 89
7.13.4 Installation of 89 lifts
7.13.5 The removal of 90 lifts
7.13.6 installed 90 security requirements
7.14 outdoor earth backfill 91
7.15 Installation 92
7.15.1 92 for drainage works
7.15.2 Electrical Installation Engineering 93
Chapter 8 of 96 seasonal construction measures
8.1 typhoons, heavy rain, the rainy season construction measures 96
Hot weather construction measures 96 8.2
Chapter 9 project quality management and assurance measures 98
9.1 98-site construction management
9.2 Quality Assurance 98
9.3 Quality control measures 100
Project quality assurance measures 9.4 technology 101
9.5 Measurement and Management 103
9.6 Quality Problems major breakdown prevention 105
9.6.1 Template Project 105
9.6.2 RC Engineering 106
9.6.3 Concrete Works 107
9.6.4 masonry works 109
9.6.5 Surface Engineering Building 109
9.6.6 Window Works 110
9.6.7 Decoration Engineering 111
9.7 Engineering product protection measures 112
112 9.7.1 product protection organizations
9.7.2 Protection Agency finished the operation mode 113
9.7.3 Protection of 113 products
9.7.4 Reinforced Concrete Engineering product protection 114
9.7.5 Protection of masonry product quality 115
9.7.6 Ground Floor, 115 finished product protection
9.7.7 Example for the quality of finished products to protect windows and doors 11.6
9.7.8 decorative quality of finished products to protect 116
9.7.9 Protection of roofing product 117
9.7.10 install the final product water 117
9.7.11 Handing Over 118 pre-finished protective measures
Chapter 10 119 safe and civilized construction measures
Safety assurance measures 10.1 119
10.2 civilized construction measures 122
Construction Management 126 Chapter 11
126 11.1 Management responsibility for quality
11.1.1 the quality of the project manager duties 126
11.1.2 the quality of the project deputy manager duties 127
11.1.3 Project technical responsibility for the quality of the 127
11.1.4 128 Long responsibility for quality
11.1.5 Quality Inspector Quality responsibilities 129
129 11.1.6 Safety Officer responsibility for quality
11.2 The total package, the coordination and management of sub-129
Labor supply and management 131 11.3
Equipment Management 132 11.4
Material with management 13.3 11.5
11.5.1 Project Management material with a plan 133
11.5.2 Project Procurement Management 133 with materials
11.5.3 Project Management 134, a storage material
11.5.4 Project materials management collar 135 limits
11.5.5 Working Capital Materials Management 136
11.6 Management 136
11.6.1 Content 136
11.6.2 drawings reviewing 136
11.6.3 Design for the 138 construction jobs
11.6.4 Technical and design changes approved for 1.39
11.6.5 technical disclosure 139
11.6.6 Technical Review 141
11.6.7 promote the use of science and technology 142
11.6.8 Construction Technology 142
11.6.9 Technical Standards Management System 143
11.7 Data Management 144


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