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2009-8/博物馆桥工程施工安全总体技术交底.rar交底内容  确保施工安全的措施
1、健全管理制度  建立、健全各级各部门的安全生产责任制,责任落实到人。各下属施工队要有明确的安全指标和奖惩办法,健全保证措施。有劳务使用和机械租用安全生产协议书。进入新工种的工人必须进行安全技术培训。工人应掌握本工种操作技能,熟悉本工种安全技术操作规程。本承包人将坚持“科学施工、安全生产”的原则和“安全第一、预防为主”的方针全面落实施工安全保证措施。
(1)、施工安全规定  A、施工组织设计应有针对性的安全技术措施,经技术负责人审查批准。B、进行全面的针对性的安全技术交底,接受交底者履行签字手续。C、特种作业人员必须经培训考试合格持证上岗,操作证必须按期复审不得超期使用。特种作业人员包括:吊车操作手、架桥设备操作工、爆破工等。D、严禁违章指挥、违规操作。
(2)、安全检查  建立定期安全检查制度。有时间、有要求,明确重点部位、危险岗位。安全检查有记录。对查出的隐患应及时整改,做到定人、定时间、定措施的安全检查制度。
(3)、班组“三上岗、一讲评”活动   班组在班前须进行上岗交底、上岗检查、上岗记录的“三上岗”和每周一次的“一讲评”安全活动。对班组的安全活动,要有考核措施; 施工现场必须有“五牌一图”,即:Ⅰ施工单位及工地名称牌;Ⅱ安全生产六大纪律宣传牌;Ⅲ防火须知牌;Ⅳ安全无重大
Clarification at the contents of the measures to ensure the construction safety
The task of re-construction, construction site is limited, short duration, degree of difficulty, the progress of construction not to blindly ignore the pursuit of construction safety. Construction worker safety is directly related to the personal safety and property security, is also related to corporate reputation, and only a guarantee production safety in order to do a good job, and ensure quality, on time and quality completion of construction tasks. Therefore, the construction, we will unswervingly adhere to the "quality first, safety first" approach, to implement safety measures.
1, a sound management system, establish and improve various departments at all levels of production safety responsibility system, the responsibility assigned to individuals. The subordinate construction teams to have clear targets and incentives and disincentives, the security, integrity assurance measures. With labor and machinery hire safety use agreement. New types of workers must conduct safety training. Workers should understand the types of operational skills, familiar with the technical operation of this type of work safety. The contractor will adhere to the "science construction, safety" principle and the "safety first, prevention first" principle to ensure the full implementation of construction safety measures.
(1), construction safety requirements for A, the construction organization design should be targeted for safety technical measures by the technical person in charge of examination and approval. B, were targeted and comprehensive security technology correspondent, who accept the cards on the table to fulfill the signing formalities. C, special operations personnel must be trained examination certificates, operating permit must not be extended to use the review schedule. Special operations personnel, including: crane manipulator, bridging equipment operator, such as blasting work. D, forbidden illegal command, illegal operations.
(2), safety inspection system for the establishment of regular safety inspections. Time to demand a clear focus on parts, dangerous job. Safety inspection record. On the identified risks should be timely rectification, so that set of people, given time, the security measures imposed censorship.
(3), team of the "three posts, one commented on" activities to be carried out before the team posts in the class correspondent, check posts, posts record "three posts," and weekly "one commented," safety activities. On the team's safety activities, to have assessment measures; construction site must have a "five card of a map", ie: Ⅰ construction unit and site name plates; Ⅱ six safety discipline billboards; Ⅲ Fire Prevention license; Ⅳ security without major

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