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交底内容   施工现场的临时照明   室内照明线路应用瓷夹固定。电线接头应牢固,并用绝缘胶带包扎。保险丝应用电负荷量装设。能产行大量蒸汽、气体、粉尘等工作场所,应使用密闭式电气设备。有爆炸危险的工作场所应使用防爆型电气温设备。电气设备的传动带、转轮、飞轮等外露部位必须安设防护罩。检修电气设备时应按下列要求进行:电气设备的检修必须由电工进行,他人不得任意操作;工作中如遇停电拉下开关,切断电源,检修结束必须仔细检查各项设备的情况,没有异常,方可合闸。大型电气设备检修应在切断电源、设好防护后进行,并在开关处设置警示标牌,工作完成后方可拆除,如需进行送电试验时,必须在认真检查并与有关部门联系后,方可进行。大型桥梁施工现场,隧道和预制场地,应有自备电源,以免因电网停电造成损失和出现事故,自备电源和电网之间,要有联锁保护。
场内交通及水电设施  场内道路应经常维护,保持畅通。载重车辆通过较多的道路,其弯道半径一般不小于15m,特殊情况不得小于10m,手推车道路的宽度不小于1.5m。急弯及陡坡地段应设置明显交通标志,与铁路交叉处应有专人照管,并设信号装置和落杆。靠近河流和陡壁处的道路,应设置护栏和明显警告村志。场内行驶斗、平车的轨道应平坦顺直,纵坡不得大于3%。车辆应装制动闸,铁路终点应设置倒坡和车档。生产生活用水应进行鉴定,其水质必须符合国家现行标准。水源应采取保护措施,防止水质污染。场内加设架设的电线应绝良好,悬挂高度及线间距必须符合电业部门的安全规定。现场架设的临时线路必须用绝缘物支持,不得将电线缠在钢筋、树木或脚手架上。电工在接近高压线操作时,其安全距离为:10kv以下不得小于0.7m,20~35kv 不得小于1m,44kv不得小于 1.2m,否则必须停电后方可操作。各种电器设备应配有专用开关,室外使用的开关、插座外装防水箱并加锁,在操作处加设绝缘垫层。在三相四线制中
Clarification at the construction site of the contents of the provisional application of porcelain lighting indoor lighting clip fixed lines. Wire connector should be firmly, and wrap with insulating tape. Application of electric load fuse installed. Nengchan line a lot of steam, gas and dust in the workplace, should be used enclosed electrical equipment. An explosive hazard in the workplace should use explosion-proof type electric temperature equipment. Electrical equipment belts, wheel, flywheel and other exposed parts must be fortified security guard. Maintenance of electrical equipment according to the following requirements: Electrical equipment maintenance must be carried out by the electrician, not arbitrary action of others; work, pull down the switch in case of power failure cut off power supply, repair the end of the device must be carefully check the situation, not unusual, before closing. Maintenance of large electrical equipment should be cut off the power, after setting a good defense, and set up warning signs in the switching office, only after the completion of demolition, For transmission tests carried out must be carefully checked and contacted the authorities, before conduct. Large-scale bridge construction site, tunnels and prefabricated space should bring their own power, to avoid losses due to power outage and the emergence of the accident, between self-supply and power grid, have interlocking protection.
Pit road transport and water facilities, the venue should always maintain smooth. Truck traffic through more of roads, the bend radius is generally not less than 15m, exceptional circumstances may be less than 10m, the width of cart path is not less than 1.5m. Sharp bends and steep slope areas should set clear traffic signs, and railway intersections shall be hand care, and signaling devices, and drop shot set up. Office of rivers and steep roads, should be clearly warned that the village guard-rails and blog. Traveling inside bucket, flat cars flat track should be straight, grades shall not exceed 3%. Vehicle brakes should be installed, the railway terminal should be set down slope and car stalls. Water production should be identified, the water quality must meet the current standards. Water protection measures should be taken to prevent water pollution. Additional set up inside the wire should be absolutely fine, suspension height and line spacing must comply with safety requirements for electrical sector. On-site erection of the temporary line insulation support must not be entangled in the steel wires, trees or scaffolding. Near high voltage electrical operation, the safe distance: 10kv The following shall not be less than 0.7m, 20 ~ 35kv not less than 1m, 44kv not less than 1.2m, or to the rear blackout operational. All kinds of electrical equipment should be equipped with a special switch, outdoor switch, socket exterior waterproof box and locked, additional insulation in operating office cushion. In the three-phase four-wire system in

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