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1.  本处理地段搅拌桩桩径Ф600mm(搅拌钻头不小于Ф600mm),设计桩长不等,桩底进入土体持力层0.5~1m,单桩承载力不少于120KN;施工时,桩底高程不高于设计标高,桩顶高程不低于设计标高;行车道桩距为1.2×1.2m,按等边三角形梅花型排列,经处理后的复合地基承载力120Kpa;人行道桩距为1.5×1.5 m,按等边三角形梅花型排列。
2.  制浆采用32.5R普通硅酸盐水泥,浆液水灰比为0.4~0.5。为增加搅拌桩的早期强度,按水泥用量的0.05%添加三乙醇胺。制备好的浆液不得离析,泵送必须连续。每加固1m土体掺入水泥量为70kg,单桩水泥用量偏差不大于5%。
3.  搅拌头上提喷浆时的提升速度为0.5~0.8m/min,喷浆压力为0.4~0.6MPa。
4.  测放桩位按设计要求进行,在确定孔位时,需经复核确认后方可进入下一施工工序,为保证桩位的准确性,桩位必须打入木桩或插入竹片作为桩位标记。
5.  下钻杆时,先使桩机安置在标定的孔位上,使钻头中心对准孔中心,杆位偏差在±5cm以内,调整桩机水平度及垂直度,保证孔斜率不大于1.0%,终孔后校正钻具,桩径偏差不得大于4%。
6.  下钻杆搅拌前要通过地面试喷清水,检查灌浆设备和管路系统、设备的压力和排量必须满足设计要求;管路系统的密封圈必须良好,各通道和喷嘴内不得有杂物。
7.  根据施工设计控制搅拌技术参数,注意浆液流量,自上而下搅拌,自下而上喷浆搅拌。当土层较硬时,可适当提高水泥浆水灰比。
8.  施工人员必须认真检查水泥浆的水灰比和流量,灌浆泵压力和搅拌杆的提升速度,回转速度等施工参数是否符合要求,并及时作好施工现场记录。另在搅拌过程中,应控制钻杆的进入深度。
9.  单桩开钻后应连续施工,严格控制起喷和停喷高程,不得间断。如遇停机或机械故障停喷,应及时记录中断高程,待恢复正常后立即复搅,复搅重叠长度不小于1m。如中断时间超过12小时,应采取补桩措施。
Cards on the table contents:
1. The processing site mixing pile diameter Ф600mm (mixing drill not less than Ф600mm), design of pile length ranging from the bottom into the soil pile bearing stratum 0.5 ~ 1m, bearing capacity of not less than 120KN; construction, pile bottom elevation is not higher than the design elevation, the pile top elevation of not less than the design elevation; lane pile spacing is 1.2 × 1.2m, according to an equilateral triangle plum-type arrangement, the treated composite foundation 120Kpa; sidewalk pile spacing of 1.5 × 1.5 m, according to an equilateral triangle plum-type arrangement.
2. Pulping using 32.5R ordinary portland cement, slurry water cement ratio of 0.4 to 0.5. To increase the mixing of the early strength, cement content of 0.05% by adding triethanolamine. No segregation of prepared slurry, pumping must be continuous. Strengthening 1m per volume of soil mixed with cement 70kg, single pile of cement consumption is not more than 5% deviation.
3. Mixing spray head to mention the improvement when the rate of 0.5 ~ 0.8m/min, spray pressure 0.4 ~ 0.6MPa.
4. Measurement Pile up by design requirements, in determining the hole, the need to be confirmed by the review into the next construction process, in order to ensure the accuracy of the Pile, Pile must be inserted into the stakes or bamboo as the pile bit tag.
5. Under the drill, the first to pile driver placed in the calibration of the holes, so that the drill center hole aligned center pole position deviation within ± 5cm to adjust the level of degree and verticality of pile driver, to ensure the slope is not greater than hole 1.0%, after the correction of the final hole drilling, pile diameter deviation of not more than 4%.
6. Stirring before the next drill pipe to the interview by spraying water, check the grouting equipment and piping systems, equipment, pressure and displacement to meet the design requirements; piping system must have good seal, the channel and nozzle may have mixed material.
7. Under the control of construction and design parameters of mixing technology, attention to slurry flow, mixing top-down, bottom-up spray mixing. When the soil harder, the water cement ratio cement slurry can be raised properly.
8. The construction personnel must carefully inspect the water-cement ratio and the flow of slurry, pressure grouting pump and stirring rod to enhance the speed, rotation speed of the construction parameters of compliance requirements and make timely record of the construction site. The other in the mixing process, should control the entry of the depth of the drill pipe.
9. After drilling pile construction should be continuous, strictly control the elevation from the jet and Minting without interruption. In case of downtime or a mechanical failure Minting, shall promptly record interrupt elevation, to be back to normal immediately after the resumption of stirring, complex mix overlap length of not less than 1m. If interrupted for more than 12 hours, measures should be taken to pile up.
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