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  □ 部管工程项目 部管工程项目是指邮电部(含各司、局)下达任务书在省境内建设的通信项目。这些项目由省邮电管理局(以下简称省局)委派邮电器材公司会同省局有关专业处室,根据设计要求集中订货,省邮电器材公司负责物资供应的工作,包括参与工程的会审,负责订货、催货、清关、结算和售后服务的协调工作,收取相应的费用,费率按部有关规定执行。
  参照邮部[1994]776号文的精神,由中国邮电器材总公司集中采购的工程物资,由省邮电器材公司配合中国邮电器材总公司,做好省内段物资供应的全部服务工作,有关的费用由省邮电器材公司和中国邮电器材总公司协商收取。 有关工程所需器材,原则上由项目建设单位提前一个季度向省邮电器材公司报计划。
  □ 省管工程项目 省管工程项目是指省局(含中央企业、地方农话)在省境内投资(含全部或部分)建设的通信项目。 工程所需的进口物资将根据工程资金来源(利用外资或省局自筹、贷款)的不同情况,由省邮电器材公司会同省局有关专业处室或省局指定单位与厂商谈判引进或招标。工程所需国内生产的主要物资,由省邮电器材公司负责集中采购供应。
"Guangdong Provincial Post and Telecommunications supplies procurement regulations," the implementation details
For the implementation of the "Post and Telecommunications, Guangdong Province supplies procurement regulations" (hereinafter referred to as "Regulations") the spirit of Posts and Telecommunications supplies procurement strengthen macroeconomic management, straightening out relations, moderate concentration, regulate behavior, give full play to Post supplies the main channel system role in the great development of posts and telecommunications to ensure good supply of materials required for the work, formulated the Regulations. 
□ Department of Management Department of Project Management Project is the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications (including the Secretary, Board) issued a task book building in the province of communications projects. These projects by the provincial Posts and Telecommunications Authority (hereinafter referred to as Provincial Bureau) appointed Provincial Bureau of Posts and Telecommunications Equipment Company in conjunction with the relevant professional departments, offices, according to design requirements focus on order, postal and telecommunications equipment, goods and materials supply company, including participation in the project hearing, and is responsible for ordering, reminders cargo, customs clearance, settlement and service coordination, charge accordingly, the rate in accordance with Ministry regulations. 
Reference to Post Office [1994] No. 776, the text of the spirit, by the China Telecommunications Corporation, the centralized procurement of project equipment, materials, provincial Posts and Telecommunications Equipment Corporation Telecommunications Equipment Corporation, with China and do all the supplies section of the province services, the cost of the provincial Posts and Telecommunications Equipment Telecommunications Equipment Corporation and China's consultation fee.  equipment required for the project, in principle, the project construction unit in advance of a quarter of the postal and telecommunications equipment companies reported plans.
□ Provincial Project Management Project management is the province of Provincial Bureau (including the central enterprises, local farmers, then) in the province of investment (including all or part of) the construction of communications projects.  imported goods required for project funding will be based (self-use of foreign capital or Province Governments, loans) in different situations, the provincial Provincial Bureau of Posts and Telecommunications Equipment Company in conjunction with the professional offices at the division or unit of Provincial Bureau designated the introduction or tender negotiations with manufacturers . Engineering major materials required for domestic production, the provincial Posts and Telecommunications equipment company focused on procurement and supply. 

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